who we are

We are a company that provides various sensors and monitoring solutions for dairy farms. Our headlock sensors allow you to measure lockup times in real-time. Our THI monitor allows you to measure heat stress. Our herd monitoring tools improve automation and herd profitability. We teamed up with some of the latest technologies that use Artificial Intelligence to detect anomalies within cows and employees.

We consist of a group of consultants and dairy enthusiasts who are heavily involved in development of sensors and bringing emerging technologies to the dairy sector.

We have decades of experience working with multiple technologies. We believe that with affordable technology that this can have an impact on farm profitability. We believe the future of the dairy sector is technology.


The Head lock sensors help changed the way we manage our operation

“We saw an increase in milk production by 3 lbs by monitoring our headlocks and our pushup times” —Mario Dairymen in AZ.